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Why Work With a Counselor?


Often when people want to make changes in their lives, they may just not know how, or perhaps they're frustrated by the unsatisfactory results they've had with past attempts.  This is where having the guidance of a trained counselor is so important. 

My program is a priceless investment in yourself!  When you consider the benefits - your potential future savings on things such as medical and prescription expenses, time lost from work due to illness, the benefits to your whole family as a result of your new-found knowledge, and the increase in energy and vitality you'll experience that will allow you to do the things you most want to do in life, I hope you'll agree that this investment in your health and wellness is one that you can't afford not to make!


Some benefits that you will enjoy by working with me are:


*  I treat the whole person.  You are more than just what you eat.  Nutrition is extremely important to your health, but it is not the only thing that matters.  Factors such as stress, pain, satisfaction with life, and emotional issues can dramatically affect your quality of life and your health.  I will work with you to find balance in all areas of your life.  I will support you in making changes, and help you learn to manage them in a way that will allow you to feel better and optimize your well-being.   Together we will work to help you achieve your most important health and wellness goals.  


*  I will treat you as the individual that you are.  We are all unique in our combination of lifestyle, heritage, blood and nutritional types, likes and dislikes.  What works amazingly well for one person may not work well at all for someone else.  Because I have been trained in all the major dietary theories, I can help you learn what is right for you nutritionally.  My focus is not on following the "rules" of a particular diet or counting calories.  Instead, I will help you learn to listen to and interpret what your body is telling you about what it needs (or doesn't want!). 


*  Not all foods are created equal.  There are different types of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other nutrients, and they will each affect your body differently.  I will help you learn to differentiate between them, and to find which ones suit your needs best.  I also believe it's important to buy organic and from local sources, and so will encourage you to do this whenever possible. 


*  Your cravings are not a weakness.  Rather, they are your body's way of trying to tell you that something is lacking or out of balance.  They are valuable messages that, when interpreted correctly, can help you give your body what it needs.  I will work with you to deconstruct your cravings and find out what your body is trying to tell you.  There are often also emotional components associated with cravings, and I will help you learn to identify and manage them as well.  Once you begin to nourish yourself properly, you will likely find you no longer need or want some of the junk foods you once thought you could never do without. 


*  You will learn to eat in a way that is sustainable for the long term.  Diets based on pre-packaged foods, meal replacement supplements, severe calorie-cutting and generalized rules that are made for everyone to follow are not sustainable forever, nor do they work equally well for everyone who tries them.  My goal is to help you learn to build your diet using real, whole, unprocessed (and ideally organic) foods.  I use a "crowding out" approach - rather than having you just eliminate all the foods you love, we will slowly add in healthier foods. 


Statistics show that people who work with the support and guidance of a counselor as opposed to "going it alone" are more likely to be successful in achieving their health and wellness goals. 

Please contact me today to schedule your FREE confidential health history consultation, and to hear about the details of my program!  There is never any obligation, but you may just find that this is the turning point – the "something different" – you've been looking for in your life.  Are you in?

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